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Separation of frontend and backend

KubeSphere separates frontend from backend, and it itself is a cloud native application and provides open standard REST APIs for external systems to use. Please see API documentation for details. The following figure is the system architecture. KubeSphere can run anywhere from on-premise datacenter to any cloud to edge. In addition, it can be deployed on any Kubernetes distribution.


Components List

Back-end component Function description
ks-apiserver The KubeSphere API server validates and configures data for the API objects which include Kubernetes objects. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster's shared state through which all other components interact.
ks-console KubeSphere console offers KubeSphere console service
ks-controller-manager KubeSphere controller takes care of business logic, for example, when create a workspace, the controller will automatically create corresponding permissions and configurations for it.
metrics-server Kubernetes monitoring component collects metrics from Kubelet on each node.
Prometheus provides monitoring metrics and services of clusters, nodes, workloads, API objects.
Elasticsearch provides log indexing, querying and data management. Besides the built-in service, KubeSphere supports the integration of external Elasticsearch service.
Fluent Bit collects logs and forwarding them to ElasticSearch or Kafka.
Jenkins provides CI/CD pipeline service.
SonarQube is an optional component that provides code static checking and quality analysis.
Source-to-Image automatically compiles and packages source code into Docker image.
Istio provides microservice governance and traffic control, such as grayscale release, canary release, circuit break, traffic mirroring and so on.
Jaeger collects sidecar data and provides distributed tracing service.
OpenPitrix provides application lifecycle management such as template management, deployment, app store management, etc.
Alert provides configurable alert service for cluster, workload, Pod, and container etc.
Notification is an integrated notification service; it currently supports mail delivery method.
Redis caches the data of ks-console and ks-account.
MySQL is the shared database for cluster back-end components including monitoring, alarm, DevOps, OpenPitrix etc.
PostgreSQL SonarQube and Harbor's back-end database
OpenLDAP is responsible for centralized storage and management of user account and integrates with external LDAP server.
Storage built-in CSI plug-in collecting cloud platform storage services. It supports open source NFS/Ceph/Gluster client.
Network supports Calico/Flannel and other open source network plug-ins to integrate with cloud platform SDN.

Service Components

Each component has many services. See Overview for more details.

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